The Sisters chant the Te Deum at the close of their vows ceremonies

Yes, the Singing Nuns are real nuns! Read their most recent newsletter... 


What's New

In lieu of our annual Christmas concert, you are welcome to watch a video from one of our previous concerts.

Our next quarterly Anima Mariae newsletter will be coming out in March.


Who are the Singing Nuns?

The Singing Nuns are traditional Catholic Sisters, members of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen. In other words, they wear their full-length blue habits all the time — not just on special occasions or when they are singing. Their motherhouse, St. Michael’s Convent, is located at Mount St. Michael, just north of Spokane, Washington.

Teaching and Sisters go together almost like peanut butter and jelly, so it should have come as no surprise to you that many of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate Queen are teachers. St. Michael’s Academy, their private K-12 school in Spokane, is staffed by religious Sisters who realize that the “nearest thing to heaven is a child.” An excellent standard of education, high esteem for traditional values, and tender, loving care combine to make this academy a wonderful alternative for students from all parts of the country.

Maintaining a private school and an ever-growing convent, however, is a strenuous challenge. When, back in 1979, the scanty pennies in the cash box looked a poor match against the demands of the piled-up bills, the Sisters did not lose hope.

Taking their trust in Divine Providence in both hands, they set out a-singing in hopes of bringing in much needed support. It wasn’t easy to fit practices, recordings and public appearances into an already busy schedule. So then — as now — the choir of “Singing Nuns” was not always made up of the same Sisters, but of those who could be spared from their duties for each event as it came up.

Before long, the Sisters saw that their singing was a kind of mission as well as a means of financial support. Music, especially hymns and Gregorian chant, had always been an integral part of their lives. But because of the marvelous power of music to touch, to console and uplift the human heart, it was to become a way for them to share with you and others the joy of loving and serving God.

Let the Sisters tell you about their way of life through their singing as you listen to Consecration, a beautiful melody which may well be considered the theme song of the Singing Nuns. 

“But Jesus said to them: Suffer the little children, and forbid them not to come to Me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”— Matt. 19:14

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